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83 Trans Am custom build with Fourth Gen LS1 swap

83 Trans Am custom build with Fourth Gen LS1 swap

1983 Trans Am ls conversion Cleveland power and power tim mulcahy

Cleveland Power and Performance is proud to present this 83 Trans Am custom build with Fourth Gen LS1 swap, which will show you how easily you can update your Gen 3 F-Body with a ton of bolt on Gen 4 Parts! We will be incorporating an LS1 Driveline swap, updated to larger disc brakes, a fourth gen Trans AM Interior, and incorporating every piece of a late model Trans AM into this classic beauty! Long live the 80s!


We want to show all of our customers that this third gen TA could be easily swapped over to a fuel injected LS setup with upgraded interior using almost all parts that we have here in stock.

We will be using the driveline, interior, rear axle, front brakes and more from a donor fourth gen Trans Am. Nearly all of the parts that we will be using in this build are here at Power and Performance, in stock and in our warehouse. This is truly an all “in house” build.

We started by striping the interior of the 83, and taking out the original 305 engine to allow for mock up. We are going to use as much of the fourth gen interior as possible. A good amount of the new interior fits nicely and does not require an extensive amount of modification. Other parts will require a some modification, but in the end will give the 83 a much need update.

This is just the beginning of an exciting build and we will be posting pictures of the process as we go. Please stay tuned to our blog to see this car come to life step by step! Next up we will mock up the interior and drive line to see how everything fits and looks. We will also start on the rear axle and upgraded front brakes. Please feel free to let us know what you think of the build!

Feel free to visit our Facebook page for more exciting content from Cleveland Power and Performance! – Tim Mulcahy


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